download/install mIRC. If you already have mIRC, you might want to install the latest version. The script only works right on fairly recent versions of mIRC.
to configure mirc to connect to a irc server, run it, and do:
1- file->options->connect
2- click add
3- enter the following
description - XXXXXX
irc server - irc.put your server
port - 6667
4- click ok
5- fill in the rest of the stuff on this page (name, nickname, etc.)
6- click ok
now, install the GF script into mirc:
1- tools->remote
2- file->load->script
3- go to where you unzip'ed my script, and select the file gf_mirc.ini
4- click ok
now configure the script.
1- connect to the irc server by doing file->options then connect.
Select the server you want, and click connect.
2- join the channel by doing commands->join channel and typing #YourChannel
3- now configure the GF script by doing:
- right click (RC) in chat window->GF (re)configure
do what it says....
- the channel is #YourChannel
- the paths are to the actual executables (the system directory
for UT)
- the GF install is where the GF script was extracted
- the sound directory is the sound directory from my script
your set. now, to play whatever game/server others are playing, right click on someone, and select "GF get server". Now right click in the chat window, and select "GF launch game" and the game should launch and connect to the server.
To post a server for you and your friends to play on, do:
- right click (RC) in chat window->GF set game server->game
- enter the IP address you are playing at.
- RC in chat window->GF Post Server
- RC in chat window->GF Launch Game
Whenever you launch, your nickname will be postpended w/ -p, to let people know you are away playing. If you return to mirc and quit playing, you should mark yourself back w/ RC->GF Set Self Back.
You can also mark yourself as away (that is, not necessarily playing, but away from your computer) w/ RC->GF Set Self Away.
Finally, you can play sounds on the other peoples computers with RC->GF
Play Sound. NOTE: The sound will only play right on people's
computers who have the same .wav file in their sound directory. It
DOES NOT send the sound file!!!